English Novels - An Overview

Novels are one of the major parts of English Literature, besides Poetry and Drama.

 Before the industrial revolution and after Shakespeare English Drama started to decline which created opportunities for a new group of writers other than Poets And Drama Writers.

 The Group of  Novelists in the era contributed to the masses' life in the form of entertainment by ways of suspense, thriller, tragedy comedy, and tragic-comedy.

 The novels were also known as pocket theatre because of their varieties of plots. 

The Victorian age was revolutionary in the field of English literature. The mass was educated and reasonable and started criticizing the then era many novelists wrote about historical content and also some were writing about contemporary issues.

Contemporary writing attracted many audiences which made a new group of contemporary writers who directly or indirectly were praising as well as criticizing the developments through their work.

The very first English novel was written by Samuel Richardson named "Pamela" which was published in 1740 as an Epistolary Novel.

Some of the most famous novelists are 

  • Charles Dickens 
  • Thomas Hardy
  • George Orwell

Famous Female Novelist

  • Jane Austen
  • George Eliot
  • Mary Shelly

Types of Novels 

  1. Mystery
  2. Thriller
  3. Romance
  4. Science Fiction
  5. Fantasy
  6. Young adult
  7. Historical fiction
  8. Magical realism

Nowadays many Hollywood and other movies and tv shows are based on novels written by famous writers e.g.

 Harry Potter By J.K. Rowling

Game Of Thrones By R.R. Martin

The Lord of The Rings By J.R.R. Tolkien

Some of the Best Novels to read in English

  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
  • Middlemarch by George Eliot
  • 1984 by George Orwell
  • Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

In short English, Novels made critical changes in the mentality of the audience which impacted the social and political life of the English People. With time English fiction totally overshadowed English Drama which was almost on the edge of decline. The novels were written for all age groups kids, youths, and adults which was a major source of entertainment for them.